#079: How your gut microbiome could influence MS with Prof. Dr. Natalia Szejko

Welcome to today’s episode. Whether you have MS, MOGAD (myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease), or NMOSD (neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder), I’m excited to share some fascinating insights into the gut microbiome with you today. My guest today is Dr. Natalia Szejko, a dedicated neurologist and researcher specializing in these disorders. Dr. Szejko’s work focuses not […]
#037: Nourand – Unlocking the Nutritional Code for MS with Dr. Mireia Sospedra

Unlocking the Nutritional Code for MS. Exploring the Nourand project with Mireia Sospedra. How, what and when to eat with multiple sclerosis.
#032: ECTRIMS 2023. Day 3. Paediatric MS. Female Health. Prodromic MS. HSCT in MS.

Pediatric MS. Female Health. Prodromic MS – can the risk of conversion be reduced? HSCT in MS – new perspectives.
#031: ECTRIMS 2023. Day 2. Menopause. Treatment Efficacy. Immune Reconstitution Therapy. Healthy Lifestyle.

Effect of menopause on MS progression? Efficacy of different treatment algorithms incl. immune reconstitution therapy. Healthy lifestyle.
#014: Smoking and MS. Why and how to quit? Interview with Dr. Claudia Marck

Dr. Claudia Marck explains the benefits of smoking cessation for multiple sclerosis patients and presents strategies for successful quitting.
#011: Empowerment through adventure. Interview with Lori Schneider

Lori Schneider was the first woman with MS to climb the seven summits including Mount Everest. That was her way to fight for her health.
#193: Smoking and MS: Dr. Claudia Marck explains why and how to quit

Dr. Claudia Marck highlights the benefits of quitting smoking for multiple sclerosis patients and provides strategies to quit successfully.