#089: Understanding the Hidden Challenges of MS: Sexual, Bladder, and Bowel Health an ECTRIMS Special

iving with MS means coping with a complex mix of symptoms that can affect both physical and emotional well-being. These include sensitive topics such as sexual health and bladder or bowel problems – issues that are not always discussed openly but are incredibly important for quality of life. Recent research and initiatives are shedding light […]
#067: MS Speech Therapy Insights. Enhancing Communication and Swallowing

Discover how speech therapists can address often overlooked MS-related swallowing and communication disorders for timely intervention.
#060: Overcoming MS Sleep Challenges for Restful Nights and Brighter Days.

Sleep disorders in multiple sclerosis can have a negative impact on many symptoms, which is why they should definitely be treated.
#057: Depression and MS. How to find your way back to emotional balance

Depression can bring your everyday life to a complete standstill. Find out when you need help and what services are available.
#054: Living Fully with MS. Managing Bladder and Bowel Disorders

Learn more about strategies, tools and medications to manage bladder and bowel symptoms associated with MS to regain your quality of life.
#051: MS Symptom Pain. How to regain your quality of life

Pain can be caused directly or indirectly by multiple sclerosis. Find out what you can do to improve your quality of life.
#047: Spasticity in MS – far more than normal muscle cramps

Spasticity caused by MS can lead to cramping, shortened, stiffened or even paralyzed muscles, but is well treatable. Learn more about it.
#042: Movement restrictions in MS – how to maintain your strength, balance and mobility in the best possible way

Movement restrictions in MS affect 90% of all patients. Find out how to maintain your strength, balance & mobility in the best possible way.
#028: Clearing the Fog – Understanding Vision Problems in Multiple Sclerosis

Uncover the impact of Multiple Sclerosis on vision problems, their causes, and effective management strategies.
#026: Cognitive disorders in MS – when the mind goes on strike

Cognitive disorders belong to the invisible symptoms and can complicate everyday life a lot. However, there are many treatment approaches.