#044: Mind Matters. Navigating Neuropsychological Testing with MS
Neuropsychological tests are very important in MS, as the disease can progress in secret and should be tackled at an early stage.
#023: Interview with Tamara Fumagalli from Italy about her life, writing and travelling with MS
Tamara lives with progressive MS in Italy. Thanks to her impressive resilience she keeps on travelling, wiiting books and teaching kids.
#020: How to optimize employment and prevent job loss for people with MS. Interview with Dr. Blanca De Dios
Dr. Blanca de Dios talks about how people with MS can keep their job and prevent loosing it, an the benefits of staying in working life.
#005: Whom do I tell about my MS diagnosis?
The topic today is the pros and cons of dealing openly with the MS diagnosis. Who should know about it and who perhaps (at first) should not.