#096: From Fatigue to Focus. The Power of Sleep and Exercise in Managing MS an ECTRIMS Special
Sleep is one of the most critical yet often underestimated aspects of managing MS. For many of us living with MS, poor sleep can worsen fatigue, brain fog, and other symptoms, making daily life even more challenging. The good news is that improving your sleep isn’t just possible—it can lead to meaningful improvements in your […]
#094: Effects of the Mediterranean diet on MS an ECTRIMS Special
This time, I have compiled papers on the Mediterranean diet that were presented at ECTRIMS 2024. The diet, which is high in fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, olive oil, whole grains, and lean proteins, has been recommended for a long time. And the good thing is that it is more of a dietary approach that emphasizes […]
#093: Aging with MS an ECTRIMS Special
Einleitung Klicken Sie auf den unteren Button, um den Podcast zu laden. Podcast laden Table of Contents Aging in People with Multiple Sclerosis: Cognitive Characteristics by María Bárbara Eizaguirre et. al Aging with Multiple Sclerosis: What You Should Know About Cognitive Health Growing older comes with natural changes, and for those living with MS, cognitive […]
#091: New treatment strategies in MS an ECTRIMS Special
This time, I will present some studies on new treatment options for MS that show promising results and were presented at ECTRIMS 2024. Some candidates are not that new, such as high-dose vitamin D, but the key here is the long-term observation of a large number of MS patients under clearly defined conditions. Furthermore, there […]
8. MS-Kamingespräch: Lichterglanz und Lebensfreude. Weihnachten mit MS im Einklang
Im 8. MS-Kamingespräch geben wir Anregungen, wie Weihnachten mit MS möglichst entspannt und gesund für Körper und Geist ablaufen kann.
#089: Understanding the Hidden Challenges of MS: Sexual, Bladder, and Bowel Health an ECTRIMS Special
iving with MS means coping with a complex mix of symptoms that can affect both physical and emotional well-being. These include sensitive topics such as sexual health and bladder or bowel problems – issues that are not always discussed openly but are incredibly important for quality of life. Recent research and initiatives are shedding light […]
#086: Navigating Menopause with MS – Key insights on symptom progression, aging, and personalized care (ECTRIMS Special)
Find out how the menopause affects MS. What new research reveals about progression, symptom management, biological aging and quality of life.
#085: ECTRIMS Special on innovative MS rehabilitation for better quality of life
Rehabilitation for multiple sclerosis (MS) is rapidly evolving, with exciting new approaches tailored to the unique needs of people with progressive MS (PwPMS). Recent studies have explored how various types of personalized therapies can improve both physical and mental well-being, offering a wider range of options for supporting a fulfilling, active life with MS. The […]
#274: B-Zell Depletion – Ocrelizumab (Ocrevus), Ofatumumab (Kesimpta, Bonspri), Rituximab (Mabthera, Rituxan), Ublituximab (Briumvi) für aktive RRMS und SPMS sowie frühe PPMS
Erfahre mehr über B-Zell-Depletionen, wie Ocrevus, Kesimpta, Bonspri, Mabthera, Rituxan und Briumvi, für aktive RRMS & SPMS und frühe PPMS.
7. MS-Kamingespräch über den ECTRIMS allgemein und den Patient Day
Nadja berichtet von ihren Live-Eindrücken vom ECTRIMS und Patient Day in Kopenhagen im Zwiegespräch mit Nele, die digital teilgenommen hat.