MS-Perspektive - The Multiple Sclerosis Podcast

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I’m Nele, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2004 and have been studying Multiple Sclerosis Management (M. Sc.) since 2022. During my studies, I learn everything about this disease, from the basics of neuroimmunology and pathology to correct diagnosis and preventive and symptomatic treatment. Thanks to a detailed statistics module, I know how to assess the value of studies and the module on monitoring and documentation helps me to keep an eye on the disease at all times and to be able to react more quickly if necessary.
I try to pass on all the well-founded scientific findings and the expertise of the lecturers in the podcast in an easily understandable way and use my own experiences and conversations with other people affected to present the picture of MS in many different ways. It is my goal that as many other people with MS as possible are able to have the same wonderful and fulfilling life as I do. This is possible for the majority of people today, as knowledge and treatment options have increased enormously in recent years. I am doing my bit to pass on this knowledge in digestible bites.

Here you will find information and strategies on how you can actively influence your course. I publish individual articles with my experiences, interview experts on various topics related to living with MS as well as other people affected. In addition, there are some episodes that serve to relax, promote a positive attitude and provide inspiration.

You can search for specific topics using the search function and within the categories. There is also a blog article to read about almost every podcast. It’s best to subscribe to the podcast on a platform of your choice so that you never miss an episode.

Information and tips on the topic of multiple sclerosis

MS patients

MS Experts

MS institutions

Live consciously and enjoy

About books and authors

Training and coaching

Positive thoughts on current topics

About the podcast itself
